MERAS Annual General Meeting 15 August 2019

MERAS Logo for AGM Notice

The MERAS Annual General Meeting will take place at 11am on Thursday 15 August at Yarnton Lounge, 14 Erson Ave, Royal Oak, Auckland and is open to all MERAS members.

The last year has been a busy and successful year for MERAS, and members will be able to hear the annual reports from the MERAS Chair and Co-Leaders

At the meeting we will be acknowledging Kelly McConville who will be stepping down at the AGM as National Representatives Council (NRC) Chairperson, having served a further two terms. Kelly was a founding member of MERAS and was on the DHBs MECA negotiating team. We will be acknowledging her inspirational leadership role in MERAS and we encourage MERAS members to attend so you can be part of this recognition.

Our deputy chair Victoria Christian is also stepping down as she has a new job at a different DHB.

The MERAS NRC is the governance board of MERAS and currently includes nine MERAS workplace representatives, the College of Midwives CEO and one Midwifery Advisor and the MERAS Co-Leaders.


  1. Welcome & introductions from the Chair
  2. Approve previous AGM minutes
  3. Chairpersons report 2018/ 19
  4. MERAS Co-Leader report MERAS AGM 2019
  5. Financial Report for MERAS AGM 2019
  6. Setting of membership fees – Recommendations: 1. Membership fees remain unchanged for the next financial year 2019/ 20
  7. Election of Chairperson to NRC – Nomination received: Karen Ferraccioli
  8. Election of Deputy Chairperson to NRC. – Nomination received: Michelle Archer
  9. Open forum: attendees at the AGM will be invited to speak on any matters related to MERAS. Max 5 minutes speaking time